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Specifying timeouts

Custom timeouts can be specified for the length of time in which a user has to solve the CAPTCHA challenge. The defaults are as follows:

TimeoutCAPTCHA TypeDescriptionDefault
challengeTimeoutImageThe timeframe in which a user must complete a CAPTCHA challenge1 minute
solutionTimeoutImageThe timeframe in which a CAPTCHA solution remains valid on the page before timing out2 minutes
verifiedTimeoutImageThe timeframe in which a CAPTCHA solution must be verified server side3 minutes
cachedTimeoutImageThe time in milliseconds that a cached, verified, CAPTCHA solution is valid for15 minutes
challengeTimeoutPoWThe timeframe in which a PoW CAPTCHA solution remains valid on the page before timing out1 minute
solutionTimeoutPoWThe timeframe in which a PoW CAPTCHA must be completed and verified2 minutes
cachedTimeoutPoWThe time in milliseconds that a Provider cached, verified, PoW CAPTCHA solution is valid for3 minutes

To specify timeouts using API verification, pass the above object in a field called timeouts, implementing one or more of the timeouts.

const defaultCaptchaTimeouts = {
image: {
// The timeframe in which a user must complete an image captcha
challengeTimeout: YOUR_VALUE_HERE,
// ...
pow: {
// The timeframe in which a pow captcha solution remains valid on the page before timing out
challengeTimeout: YOUR_VALUE_HERE,
// ...
// send a POST application/json request to the API endpoint
response = POST('', {
timeouts: defaultCaptchaTimeouts, // add timeouts object here

To specify timeouts using the verification package, pass the above object in the timeouts field of the ProsopoServer config, implementing one or more of the timeouts.

config = { timeouts: defaultCaptchaTimeouts, ...config }
const prosopoServer = new ProsopoServer(config, pair)